Must have seen Youngistaan's Pepsi Ad , where Dhoni says " Padhaaii chahe kuchh bhi ho, life mein pyaas honi chahiye "
So very right. We achieve something only if we have the thirst to get there. There should be some passion within. What else makes us excel is a stimuli. That stimuli can come to us as an opprotunity, as a critic or even as competition (sometimes good to have a pampered ego ;-) )
Here in our country we have loads n loads of talent. The only thing bein git is not channelised. But it's not the case for all talents. Some are standing in front of opwn horizon gates.
We just need to get gulp the ponds of achievements that are lying out there.
इनं कुँओं तालाबो से न बुझेगी अब प्यास
न रोक मुझे ऐ समंदर ,
कही पी न जौऊ तुझे राह बनने के लिए .
उस आकाश की तरफ़ है मेरी कुंज ,
अब तो उसे ही निगलने की है आस
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Posted by
9:11 AM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Change To Adapt...To Evolve... To Survive
"Change is Inevitable.......................Change is Constant"
Must have heard this a lot of time. I had many questions on this right from my school days.
Why is change constant?, Why do we need to change?, What causes change?. What should the change be?, Can't we avoid change?...............................
I got many debatable answers but no fixed answer to this. Change is a relative term so definition of change can't be fixed. So agreed we do need to change, but what does change mean.
To me change is a phenomenon that we exhibit (and also inhibit.. to some extent.. till the time it emerges to the outer world) at each and every stage of our life depending on the physical and emotional environment that we dwell in.
But humans, as we are, we don't change, we try to change or we bring about changes in ourselves.
But that, I feel is incorrect. We should learn from other creatures be it birds or animals. We should change to adapt to the surrounding changes. Adaptability is necessary to survive. Since change is a relevant thing surrounding will keep on changing continuously depending upon changes in the other entities. So changes can't be predicted. We need to develop characteristics to predict these changes. For that we need to evolve.
I just wanna say that do not change yourself because of one other person. But change yourself to adapt to that change in one other person. We can survive just by evolving.
I read the below good lines in one of the Orkut Profiles.
"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle awakens. He has only one thought on his mind: To be able to run faster than the fastest lion. If he cannot, then he will be eaten....
Every morning in Africa a lion awakens. He has only one thought on his mind: To be able to run faster than the slowest gazelle. If he cannot, he will die of hunger....
Whether you choose to be a gazelle or a lion is of no consequence. It is enough to know that with the rising of the sun, you must run. And you must run faster than you did yesterday or you will die.
This is the race of life."
Posted by
9:05 AM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Pitch Black
Darkness.... something that exists in the entire universe.....yet so scaryyyy.
I am afraid of the dark. As a kid I never stayed alone at home or wondered alone in the dark. Why?? because I was scared of ghosts. To wonder why only scared of ghosts..there are hell lot of things that do exist in the dark and they are scary snakes, bats, other animals...even inhumans (still called humans)...... But what made me fear ghosts only ?
I tried to find an answer to this, but could not because I had no knowledge about it............ Hey there was my answer!!!! I lacked the knowledge to understand it
Now I could link the reason to all my frights..... I lack the knowledge to understand them.
The key to eternal light lies in knowledge. Our planet is marching towards it's own doom because we are not trying to know how to save it, even though the answer is right in front of us. What we all need at this time is to make sure that the ray of knowledge reaches each and every creature on this planet. We need to educate the future of our planet by means of educating.
The new minds are like black holes, wanting every ounce of that knowledge. What we need to do is just provide it to them. For that we need to have our minds open at all times.
Heard this in my training program.. " Learn...Unlearn...Relearn".
Lets make some effort to spread at least one ray of knowledge in this world
Posted by
9:08 AM
Friday, August 15, 2008
Summary of Patriotism
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे िदल में है
देखना है ज़ोर िकतना बाज़ू-ए-क़ाितल में है
(ऐ वतन,) करता नहीं क्यूँ दूसरा कुछ बातचीत,
देखता हूँ मैं िजसे वो चुप तेरी महिफल में है
ऐ शहीद-ए-मुल्क-ओ-िमल्लत, मैं तेरे ऊपर िनसार,
अब तेरी हिम्मत का चरचा ग़ैर की महिफल में है
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे िदल में है
वक़्त आने पर बता देंगे तुझे, ए आसमान,
हम अभी से क्या बताएँ क्या हमारे िदल में है
खेँच कर लाई है सब को क़त्ल होने की उमीद,
आिशक़ोँ का आज जमघट कूचा-ए-क़ातिल में है
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे िदल में है
है िलए हिथयार दुशमन ताक में बैठा उधर,
और हम तय्यार हैं सीना िलये अपना इधर.
ख़ून से खेलेंगे होली गर वतन मुश्िकल में है,
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे िदल में है
हाथ,जिन में हो जूनून कटते ते नहीं तलवार से ,
सर जो उठ जाते हैं वो झुकते नहीं ललकार से.
और भड़केगा जो शोला सा हमारे िदल में है,
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे िदल में है
हम तो घर से ही थे िनकले बाँधकर सर पर कफ़न,
जाँ हथेली पर िलये लो बढ चले हैं ये कदम.
िजन्दगी तो अपनी मॆहमाँ मौत की महिफिल में है,
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे िदल में है
यूँ खड़ा मक़्तल में क़ाितल कह रहा है बार-बार,
क्या तमन्ना-ए-शहादत भी िकसी के िदल में है?
िदल में तूफ़ानों की टोली और नसों में इन्कलाब,
होश दुश्मन के उड़ा देंगे हमें रोको न आज.
दूर रह पाए जो हमसे दम कहाँ मंिजल में है,
िजस्म भी क्या िजस्म है िजसमें न हो ख़ून-ए-जुनून
क्या लढ़े तूफ़ान से जो कश्ती-ए-साहिल में है
सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे िदल में है
देखना है ज़ोर िकतना बाज़ू-ए-क़ाितल में है
-- राम प्रसाद बिस्मिल
Posted by
7:11 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I Love My Freedom
I call it my land, the fighters took it from the English hand. I walk on the soil, where my brothers toil.
Every sacrifice deserves a tomb, coz we gifted our mother with freedom in her womb.
Tears were shed, blood was flown, that's how the trumpet of freedom was blown. Keep all the hatred aside, remember the martyrs and feel thy pride.
"Happy Independence Day"
Posted by
1:34 PM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Jai Hind
15th august was approaching and hence there was a quiz competition held in the office. But because of some pesky people I was not able to attend it. So here I was beating my keyboard keys black and blue... Just to the good luck of my keyboard , one of my colleague pinged me to come to her desk.... We were discussing something when we were joined by one more colleague....That disrupted the discussion I was having and hence just to divert the topic we 3 started talking about " watcha gonna do on 15th".
The two colleagues, (happened to be girls) talked about the national anthem and the national song. That just made me ask them who wrote these two, "The Anthem" and "The National Song". Well guess what each of them answered one of the above incorrectly........
Geee that's our Youngistan.....
As I was returning home.. I asked myself hey has a laugh at those two back there in the office.....well do you even know the Pledge that you uttered for your entire school life.
So around after 8 years I started reciting the pledge in my mind........
India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of it's rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.
Dunno why but I felt happy for myself. I came home and asked my brother to recite the same (I just love teasing him when he messes things up). Well he recited it too. That made me feel even more happy.
Hey youngistan... I would like you all to recite the pledge, the anthem and the song this 15th. Will you do that to make our Mother happy
Posted by
1:00 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I ain't walking
Hey all you Cricket lovers out there......are we seeing a new dimension in the Cricket arena.. For those who are not getting my point; I am trying to put in my thoughts on the new weapon introduced in the game yes "REFERRALS".
What's that??????????
"Well, a player is allowed to call for a referral from the 3rd umpire in case they think that the decision by the on-field umpire is ruling against them. Each team is given 3 chances per inning to call for a referral."
Didn't get it??????
"Ball goes whistling pass the edge of Sachin's bat, the aussies appeal, the umpire raises his finger that's OUT!!...........Well wait a second.......What if Sachin hasn't nicked it. Does he still have to go.....
Not anymore. He can ask the on-field umpire for a referral of decision to the 3rd umpire...the 3rd umpire will scrutinise the event using the on-field high end video cameras and then give his decision whether the batsman is Out or Not Out
Same is the case for the fielding team..if a nick is ruled against them..they can call for a referral"
So now he he hey heyy we run our minds
So now if a batsman knows he is OUT..should he show his honesty towards the game and walk a few batsman used to do... I don't think so..Hell wait there at the crease let the opposition ask for their referral..just waste all their 3 referrals.
This new thing will reduce a lot of human errors, which have resulted in many turn arounds in the game of Cricket.
But how demotivating this will be for the on-field umpires and also how tough it will be for the 3rd umpire to be accurate when he is constantly monitored by not only the match referee but millions of people around the world.
Technology seems to be overtaking the game
It is still on test basis currently happening in the IND vs. SL test series. Some players are for it and some against .
But above all I will still love the game for the sheer passion that I have for the game
Posted by
7:25 AM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
There is no secret ingredient. It's just You !!
I recently saw an animated movie ( I love animation ) "Kung Fu Panda". Story of a Panda, how he fulfills his destiny; by not being anyone he is NOT...but being just HIM ( The Big Fat Panda ).
We always think of being like someone. someone who inspires us..who is successful ..who is awesome...that someone can be a real character or even a fictitious one.
But that day what dawned on me was that; you can't be successful by being someone you are NOT.. To make your have to be YOU and no one else.
I have one such real inspiration.. Gandhi
He was a man who could not save himself from being thrown out of a train in SAF but ended up throwing the entire British race out of India to give us the freedom we deserved.
There is no secret ingredient to life ( one can call it destiny )...It's just You ( you are the destiny)
So the next time you see your dragon scroll sure that You are the one to scribble on it
Posted by
7:09 AM