There are so many things or events in life that we have to do or think of either at particular stages or sometimes they have occur at the same time. So how should we decide the priority for them. Should one take into consideration all the surrounding factors or one should concentrate on one prime factor. Some of these events are related to many surrounding things like our family, our friends, our relatives and society. So while prioritizing these events, should one focus on all the surrounding entities equally?
What I believe is, focus on your primary habitat first, like family will be the primary entity for some events, then give a thought for other entities, because you won't be having time to focus on all the entities. So we will have to prioritize these entities beforehand. It helps in taking decisions firmly.
But the negative I observed was the entities to which you have given lesser priority seem to develop a cold eye of negligence towards you. Why is that so. Don't they undergo the same thing?. Don't they have the vision to see the other person's point of view.
But all in all, I think we ourselves are the right person to prioritize our events and entities.
the floating leaf...
5 years ago
not very sure of any perfect ans. its a very difficult que to ans. especially for me .. u never know until u take a step how it going to affect the other and what their reaction is going to be..
Priority differs from person to person.When things are related to others or affecting surronding atmosphere, we should make sure that they know why you have given priority to certain things. Might help you in getting confidence of them.
Also,once you have decided the priority than its your decision and ready with the positive/negative outcomes. If negative than learn from it and use the guidance for next time.
I know while speaking its easy. But when we see that negligent and lesser priority things turned into big but already lost oppurnity than we always have regret. (its my view)
Hey dishant...i found some meaning for myself from these words of yours "we should make sure that they know why you have given priority to certain things"
i got one incentive for which i had written this
Good one..
thought provoking...
Hmmm...I guess priority differs from person to person & time to time...
Coz as time changes your priority changes...So its totally depend on your choice how will you set priority at that particular time!
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