Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I plucked a flower but the fragrance was Lost.
I captured the smile but the moment was Lost.

I cracked a joke but the humour was Lost.
I played the game but the joy was Lost.

I lit the candle but the light was Lost.
I held the fountain but the thirst was Lost

I stumbled on the path but the pain was Lost.
I held the hand but the touch was Lost.

I kept my word but the meaning was Lost.
I pondered over but the thought was Lost.

I had a life but the soul was Lost.
There was my world but I was Lost.

- The Devil


chinmai said...

y lost ?? if i could ask ? :)

Hitesh said...

Previously read thoughts where people dream of some things or they are in search of things.
So just thought what if a person hss everything...he can do nothing but Lose things...so just put those thoughts to words....
I wanted to put something in my orkut profile..so just in the want of that i wrote this LOST

Princess said...

Hehe..same Question i had asked you & the same answer :D
Btw awesome poems.. i never knew you are such a good "Kavee" Mr.Hits.. :)