Think you heard this line somewhere?....If not then let me tell you where.
A young Peter Parker was confused or rather unclear of his newly discovered powers. He once consults his uncle, uncle Ben, to get himself a motive to use his powers. His uncle just said to him that young man, with great powers comes great responsibilities. But the young lad understood this verse the hard way, by losing the person he loved most, his uncle Ben. This is what our fictitious superhero Spiderman is all about.
But why am i writing this again. It's about the N-Deal. With this nuclear deal, India will have great power to do this country and the world a whole lot of good. It is a boon to people here but only if these powers are use constructively.
I just want the spearheads of our country to be aware of the responsibilities that accompany this great power and to use this power constructively. Just hoping that we don't learn a lesson the hard way....... Way to go India ..karlo duniya muthhi mein
the floating leaf...
5 years ago
good one buddy...just to say that in the movie, only one person has there are many. This can lead into disaster or become great help to human...
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